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Hi, I'm Tanmay Arora

Hey there! Thanks for dropping by to my corner of the internet. Everyone calls me tnmy, and I'm one of those people who can't stop thinking about interesting problems until I've solved them.

🥭 About Me #

I am an undergraduate student at MIT Manipal studying Cyber Physical Systems Engineering. Sounds fancy, right? It's basically where software meets hardware that meets the real world.

But here's the thing - I'm not just a tech person. I love diving into deep conversations about philosophy, getting lost in economic theories, and don't even get me started on geopolitics! There's something fascinating about understanding how the world actually works.

🍊 Work #

These days, I'm leading the community team at Open Horizon Manipal Chapter. It's pretty exciting stuff! I'm also working on this edtech venture called Open Beacon - it's been quite a journey so far.

🍋 Play #

When I'm not working, you'll find me doing all sorts of things. I'm part of λΔQ, the quiz club at college - there's something addictive about the thrill of pouncing and getting that perfect answer!

Running is my meditation. Seriously, there's nothing quite like a good run to clear your head. I've done a half marathon, but the 10k is my sweet spot - just long enough to get in the zone, not long enough to question all my life choices.

Oh, and I love cooking! Especially Indian food. There's something magical about turning simple ingredients into something amazing. I'm also pretty nerdy about nutrition and wellness - always experimenting with crazy recipes.

My absolute favorite thing though? Traveling. I try to explore somewhere new every month. It's not just about seeing places - it's about discovering different ways of living, thinking, and being. India's diversity never ceases to amaze me, and there's so much more to explore beyond!

🥝 Learn #

Lately, I've been geeking out over cybersecurity. It's fascinating how complex and ever-evolving this field is.

I'm also taking YC's Startup School course (CS 183B)

🍋‍🟩 Make #

If you're curious about what I get up to, check out my Instagram page tanmaydoesstuff - it's where I share bits and pieces of my experiments and adventures.

I also write at my blog Aiyna. It's where I put down my thoughts about culture, life, and pretty much anything that gets me thinking. Give it a read if you're into that sort of thing!

🍉 Library #

Reads #

My reading habit has been hibernating lately. But I've got stuff in my reading list waiting, so watch this space!

Music #

Indie pop is my jam, but I'll listen to pretty much anything that catches my ear. Check out my Spotify and you'll find everything from obscure European indie tracks to the most mainstream pop hits.

🍓 Now #

Last updated: 24 February '25